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Important Dates 2025

When will the potential tax refund be issued, and what other dates should you keep an eye on in 2025? Here we have gathered some important dates that might be of interest regarding taxes, declarations, and pensions.

In Swedish

Två gula tussilago växer på marken i en naturlig miljö med suddig bakgrund

Tax Refund: March and April

One of the most anticipated events of the year for many is approaching – the potential tax refund! From March 18, 2025, you can start filing your tax return. If you file digitally without changes by April 2, 2025, you can receive your refund as early as between April 9 and 12. If you miss this date, you have until May 2, 2025, but the refund may then be delayed until June.

So, keep an eye on the dates and look forward to an extra financial boost!

For those with ongoing payments

Your payment from SPP is made no later than the 25th of each month. You can see your pension amount on your pages at on the day the payment is made. There you will find information about the gross and net amounts and the tax deduction we have made.

    • 24 january
    • 25 february
    • 25 mars
    • 25 april
    • 23 may
    • 25 june
    • 25 july
    • 25 august
    • 25 september
    • 24 october
    • 25 november
    • 24 december
  • If you are granted an adjustment, you need to send the decision to us. We need to have it by December 15 of the year before it applies. If we receive your adjustment decision later in the year, we will deduct tax according to the decision on payments made thereafter.

    Send the adjustment decision to:

    SPP Pension & Försäkring AB
    105 39 Stockholm

  • To be able to pay out your pension if you live abroad, we must ensure each year that you are alive through a certificate of life. We need your certificate by April 30, 2025. We do not automatically receive information if any of our customers living abroad have passed away. We verify this in one of the following ways:

    By obtaining information from the Swedish Pensions Agency Pensionsmyndigheten
    For many of our customers, but not all, we obtain information about the certificates of life that the Swedish Pensions Agency has requested and received. The Swedish Pensions Agency requests certificates of life for the people they pay national pensions to.

    By sending a request for a certificate of life to you
    If you have received a request for a certificate of life, it must be filled out and sent to us to ensure your payments are not stopped. If you have already arranged a certificate for another company, you can send us a copy of that instead. We need to receive your certificate no later than three months after we have sent the request to you. If we do not receive a response from you, your payments will be stopped.

    If you have BankID, you can easily fill out and sign your certificate of life directly here on the web

    It is important that you check that we have the correct address for you, which you can do by logging in. 


  • If you have received a payment from us, your income statement for the previous tax year will be sent to you and the Swedish Tax Agency at the end of January. The information will be pre-printed in your tax return. If you have a digital mailbox, the income statement will be sent there.

Äldre kvinna med grått hår och glasögon står inomhus, klädd i vit skjorta, och håller en smartphone med hörlurar i handen. Hon verkar fundersam och avkopplad

Annual Statements from SPP


During the month of February, you will receive your annual statement from SPP. It shows the value of your pension savings, the transactions that have occurred during the year, and how the value of the capital has changed. If you have multiple pension insurances, you will receive an annual statement for each insurance.

On your logged-in pages

More information about your savings with us can be found on your logged-in pages. There you will also find your e-mailbox where you have collected documents from us. You can easily log in to your pages with BankID.

The Orange Envelope


The Orange Envelope contains an annual statement from the Swedish Pensions Agency Pensionsmyndigheten with information on how much you have earned towards your national pension so far.

If you have started drawing your pension, you will find out how much pension you will receive each month during the year and information about your premium pension funds, if any.

Starta utbetalningarna tidigare?

Vill du starta utbetalningen av din pension tidigare än planerat kan du oftast göra det från och med månaden efter det att du fyllt 55 år. Men det finns några saker som är bra att känna till. 

Retiring in 2025?

About four months before your planned retirement, you can log in to your pages and choose whether you want to start or postpone your payment. There, you can also make other changes, such as selecting survivor protection. You will receive information from us well in advance of when it is time to inform us how you want to receive your money.